
Three day war

The three day war took it’s toll, despite it’s brevity. The effects could still be seen in the military quarters, the very fact that they were called the military quarters still.

Tanner, once Colour Sargeant Tanner of Psychic Division A, still lived in the same grotty flat he’d lived in for the last 8 years- nothing had opened up in the civilian sectors and despite his defaulting out a month after the three days were over he was still surrounded by serving soldiers.

The reason for his lodgings was clear from the letters he recieved each week informing him his old position was still open- the frequent calls into the Dispatch office for a “friendly chat.” They’d offered him a medal a few years ago, which made him frankly sick- he had no desire to recieve accolades for murder.

The psychics had been the ultimate stick in a government that promised endless carrots, and he’d be damned if he’d do their dirty work any more.

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