Fay Godsmom visits with Chakatreatmentson!
With all that’d been happening this night, it was a wonder that Fay Godsmom had any energy at all. But it was all in a night’s work of a Fairy Godmother.
The Ether rang with another request and Jezbel touched the Fairy-Mom’s shoulder.
“I’m afraid we have one more,”
“By Clancy’s beard, it’s that time of year, I suppose,” Fay said, “Who do we have?”
“Well, let’s see; there’s Bartimaeus, and Pianista Irlandesa – and we have even gotten to Chakatreatmentson’s request,” Jezzy looked at her clipboard and sighed, “Chaka’s the one that needs the most help!”
Godmother Fairy took in a deep breath, and drew upon the Ether winds and Leprechan Shamrocks for energy.
“It’s been one of them nights!” she said.
“Of course, Wisdom Mistress,” Jezbel bowed.
“Let us visit with Chaka first, then,” Fay nodded, readying her wand.
“She’s such a handsome woman!”
“Sometimes I wonder about you, Jezzy,”
Waving the jeweled wand, Fay Godsmom swirled in Ether to Chaka’s bedroom, where her eyes beheld a shock!
“why, hello there!”