
Diving Into The Supernatural

“Why is this goddamn thing still here!” i shivered, hurrying towards the back of the garage. i grabbed two cans of diet soda, and ran back towards the door. i hated the mirror in my garage; its really old. i’m a chicken, i’ll admit it, and i’m also very naive. Bloody Mary? yea, she petrifies me, even if she doesn’t exist. i had half a mind now to kick the wretched thing, but i didn’t want to piss off Mary, so i left it alone. i ran back upstairs, slamming the door. i felt the walls shake from the force. whoops. “Hey, Ma?” i called, “I thought we were throwing out that friggen mirror downstairs?” “We were,” she answered. “But I like it, and Tina likes it, so it stays.” i walked away from her, frowning. “Fuck,” i mumbled. the damn thing was staying here. i was set on seeing the thing gone. i wandered back downstairs and wound up outside. sitting on the bench in front of my house, i turned on my ipod and lay down. my eyes began to get heavier and heavier. they soon closed completely, and i drifted off to sleep..

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