
How could I've been so Naive? Ch. 1

I was stupid to think he could change, He never did. He just caused pain to me and to others. He was beautiful, He was funny, and He seemed perfect. I should have know better. I never thought that something that was supposed to make you feel so full could make you feel so empty. When he was through with me I found myself crying on the couch for hours listening to a bunch of love songs that were telling the story of my life on my ipod. He made me feel like when I was in middle school and people would just use me as they pleased. That still happens today, I don’t see why I let it. I could stop it all, but I don’t. I knew his reputation when this all started, I thought he had changed. As I said, I was stupid to think he could change. Maybe it would be a could idea to tell you what happened, and who “he” is, he has a name, though I don’t think he deserves it. I should probably tell you his reputation and everything really. Are you ready to hear it, because here it comes.

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