I was sitting on the couch
You walked into my house
Not a knock or the ring of the doorbell was heard
You pushed me on the ground
Oh how your yells could be heard
You called me a skank and told me I was no good
You hit me really hard and told me not to tell
Tears streamed down my face but you really didn’t care
I tried to get up but you just pushed me down
I was kicking and screaming but no one heard
As you continued to hit me I continued to scream
‘Till you told me if I wasn’t quiet you would rape me
I shut right up not a peep was made
Oh how I prayed someone would come and save me
You didn’t rape me just continued to beat me
No one came to save me
I’m all alone now you finally left
Im sitting in this corner crying from the pain
But I will keep my promise and not tell a soul
For the trauma you have just caused will ruin me forever