
The Next Year

With my back to the door I didn’t hear anyone come in the room, but before I knew it his arms were wrapped around my body. Not realizing who it was, I tried to turn and see his face. He held me tighter not letting me turn to see him. As I kept trying to break his grip, he began to kiss on my neck, making each kiss feel so soft that I could barely feel his plump lips. I started to yell at him, letting him know that I am not the kind of girl to just get with someone that I don’t even know. As I kept yelling at him he began to rock my hips to the music, so that our bodies would become one with each other. He continued to kiss my neck for the next few minutes, before moving to my ear. Once he began to play with the ear, he began to push me toward the bed. Once over at the bed he let me turn to see his face. I couldn’t believe my eyes, it was him. I had not expected to see him, not after everything. As he held me with my look of disbelief, I began to cry. He began to ask,â€? Why are you crying; don’t cry.â€?

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