Where For Art Thou, Someday_93?
From: someday_93
why hello there to you to, my sweet little freak of nature!
I miss you, someday.
Come back?
I miss our endless notes of random conversation.
Do you remember our 12 step program to self-acceptance?
Teehee. :)
And how we broke the Ficlets-record for the number of Re’s- in one subject?
And how we comforted each other about life.. :)
And about Amish. Hahaha.
And your one note to me.. Saving Lives it was called.. I’ll never forget it.
You remembered my birthday, too.
And we had super powers.
And.. ahahah.. we talked about Steven and Tom.. hah..
And my name was Abbreviations On Short Notice Chick.
And we formed groups that nobody else knew what in God’s name they were about..
And how you got the flu and I missed you.
And how worried about you I was when you left.. then came back..
I wonder if you still have that watch?
The one that beeps 3.14 seconds after first bell?
You set it like that just because of me :)..
..I miss you. :(