Some thoughts on capitalism.
Why is pursuit of profit such a beautiful thing?
It is like a Master’s artwork—a David, or La Jaconde. It fascinates us, compels us under its mysterious power. And, like such masterpieces, some rail against it. Deny its power. Seek to destroy it, to smash it to pieces in hatred for what it makes us feel.
Most cannot understand what it represents: Yes, a diversion, perhaps even a perversion. And in that sense, it feels wrong. It makes us behave as someting we are not. But a diversion from what? A diversion from what we truly are. From ourselves. Animals.
Just as the Master creates something so opposite to our animalistic origins, so capitalism channels our primatism, our desire to rape, plunder, and kill, into the pursuit of something more abstract. Nothing different really, merely power transformed from the primitive to the esoteric. Like us.
A psychological substitute for the baseness of human nature; a methodone for our heroin of violence. It turns our fists to gold.