
The Boy with The Black Hair: Part 2

Although, I had this meaningless crush on him, I had another trouble to face because of it. I had a boyfriend. He was amazing, but as I look at him and look at the black haired boy who took my breath away, I feel that I don’t get enough from the boyfriend. I needed more than a good personality. Honestly though, I really wasn’t sure what I wanted… but I was soon to find out. Who was the one for me? Who’s gonna be the one that I can look at and know that everything is gonna be ok? I just don’t know! Who do you think will be the right one for me? The black haired boy, with no personality, or the blond haired, good natured boy, who took my heart in the beginning? You decide…

Honeslty, leave your comments and tell me who you think I should love.. cuz Im confused!!!! And if any additional info is needed, just comment me!


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