
The White Room - Ch2

Alone. “Where am I,” I thought, scanning the tiny room.

Everything was stark white, making even the dim light from the ceiling brighter than it would otherwise be. My bed sat in the center of one of the five walls facing the line where the two opposite walls came together, each one with a door in its center. The wall to the right was completely covered in an array of equally sized panels, each a half meter squared. The wall to the left had what was likely a large window, dead center, covered in drapes. The room was nearly featureless, and my mind sluggishly churned trying to name this place.

“I see your awake, Jack,” came a clipped, disembodied voice from above my head. “I’ll be in shortly.”

My name is Jack? Why is that a surprise?

The door to the right opened and an exceptionally tall man glided into the room. He smiling warmly as he walked to my bed-side and gently laid his hand on my arm.

“I am glad to see you’re alive. It was touch-and-go for a bit, but it seems you’ll be alright afterall,” he said.

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