
Encounter with the Vampire

There was a moment of confusion and a lifetime of understanding, eons of time, tortured souls, the tears came to my eyes as I gazed into the black hole that was, his existence. What was it that he had done? Was he being punished? My heart seemed to stop, I clutched at my chest. He had no soul.
He was empty, there was no way back to the light for him. I knew at that moment, he would be the cause of my death. I wept.

He spoke to me then.. “Don’t be moved to pity for me, I don’t feel what you feel, I have a need, a need most primitive and true, I need to feed.. I see you have accepted your fate, however, I can offer you something, life eternal, it is your decision.”“Understand, my gift comes with conditions, you will be like me, you will have to feed and, you will always be in subjection to me, you only live if I so choose, I am your master.

So, my eons have begun, my soulless existence is. Do I regret it, I can’t answer that, for you see, I don’t feel as you feel.

To be continued?

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