
Best Friends!?

I awoke to the sound of a door slamming and a poking on my neck. I shifted around but the poking continued. As I came into consciousness I realized there was something on my pillow. I lifted my head and looked back at where I had just been laying and saw a piece of paper folded neatly into one of those triangles kids used to play “football” with on their desks back in middle school. I rubbed my eyes, yawned, and unfolded the piece of paper. It read, and I quote,
“A best friend is a friend you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you had ever had.”
What the…
Wow, she was getting a little too into this friendship. This was an all out hardcore, intense, lets be best friends kind of relationship she had in her head. And how did she get this paper under my head while I was sleeping!? I let her crash at my place because her house lost power and air-conditioning in this 100-degree weather. This was getting a little out of hand….

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