
Mark: Part 1

Mark ran into a damp alleyway, sweating like an animal. Had he really saw what he thought he saw? Or was it just his imagination? No, It had happened.So, how had he done it? He had sort of shifted his hand without actually moving it.

Mark extended his hand and slowly curled the bones in his fingers, bu tried to keep his hand still. Then, to Mark’s amazement, his finger bones came out of his skin and grew 3 times longer than they normally were.

He looked at them fascinated, but also a bit frightened at himself. Maybe this is what his dad had meant when he said, “This disease will change all of us. Some in a good way, and some in a bad way.” And then he had died, just like that.

Mark was going to change all of that. He twirled the enlarged bones in a circle. Wait. If he could bend his bones, why couldn’t he shape them?

Focusing all of his energy on his fingertips, Mark slowly but surely sharpened them into stake knives of fingers. Mark smiled to himself. He had an ability, and he was gonna use it. *

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