
The Importance of Reviews on Ficlets

Every writer needs inspiration and encouragement. I know I do. In fact, if it hadn’t been for those of you who reviewed some things I wrote, then I wouldn’t have been inspired to continue the story that I’m currently working on. Therefore, reviews and notes are very important to blossoming writers on Ficlets. So, the next time you read a story, any story on this site, you should leave a comment. Why? Because it lets someone know that you took the time to read and review. Getting a note or comment on one of my stories totally makes my day. And I am sure that reviewing any other ficleteer’s story will put a smile on their face as well. :-)

Also, if you haven’t already, be sure to check out my story, titled Residing Dreams. One tag for it is residing dreams. If you send me a note or leave a comment, then I will grin from ear to ear. :)

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