
Lost on a Tropical Island

I walked another 50 feet on the winding trail, which took a sharp turn and abruptly ended. A large village was before me. It was like walking from the caveman era into civilization!

I trudged out into the open. The sun had warmed the air outside of the rainforest to blistering hot. I immediately felt fatigued. I walked straight to a building in the middle of the village where smoke was rising from a stack.

A large family with tan faces and dark eyes stared back at me, some in shock, and some in anger. I froze. My pale face was also one of surprise, but I was fed up with all of the uncivilized nature and low-tech primitiveness, so I put on my best ‘holier than thou’ look and said, “Excuse me! Is there a phone anywhere I could borrow?” I mimicked a phone to my ear.

They ignored me; simply scowled and turned away. How rude! Did they not have common courtesy? I was human! I was a guest! They should have some custom for greeting guests!

An ancient lady spoke and a man stood.

“Hello, boy.”

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