
2 A.M., Purgatory Diner

In the distance, cars rushed by on the interstate. Their passing, the slow steady heartbeat of the night.

Adam leaned against the wall behind the diner, took a drag on his cigarette, and watched the cars come over the arch of the overpass. He had it down to a science. Three hundred twelve sets of headlights and his break would be over.


Adam was only halfway through his shift, but he was already exhausted. It wasn’t that his tables had been running him ragged. Quite the opposite. The fact that there weren’t any customers hung like a lead weight on his shoulders.


Someday I’ll get out of here, He thought. I’ll get out of this stinking job, this stinking town, and finally get on with my life…


The thought made Adam laugh. Who ever left Purgatory anyway? Your best chance was if you were on the interstate and never took the off-ramp. Adam inhaled deeply on his cigarette and held it in his lungs.


Shit. Adam stomped out his cigarette and went inside.

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