
Arsonist's Reunion

They tied my hands behind me as the van careened out of the alley and off to some unknown destination. I could barely breathe.

“You gonna drug him?”
“Boss wants him unharmed. ‘Sides, he won’t fuss. Will ya, boy?”

I remained silent. I was the wisest move I’d made all day.

“See?” Turk and the skinny one laughed.

The van stopped after a few agonizingly awkward minutes and I was dragged out. They forced me down into a basement in a small room. Something was lying lifeless on the floor. “Wendy!”

“She can’t hear ya boy, she’s out cold. A happy reunion, huh?” he laughed and slammed the door.

I waited, laying beside Wendy to keep her warm, until the drugs began to wear off. She smelled like piss.

“Wendy.” I whispered.
“Charlie?” She soon came to recognize me. “We’re gonna get outta here.” She panted and rested, gaining strength to sit up. “You got a lighter?”
“Yeah and a knife.”
“You are awesome!” She kissed me. I maneuvered so she could get the items from my pocket.

We cut each other free. Then found tender.

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