
You can press the mute button anytime now!

God, I’m so bored. Snore…

Ugh, I’m hungry already and it’s only period 1. I knew I should have ate breakfast.

Oooo, the student teacher’s shirt is lower than normal. Perhaps I should ask her to pick something up for me…

Sometimes, I wish the voices would just stop.

There she goes again. Talking to Dale. God, that annoys the crap outta me. I heard a familiar voice think, maybe my head flick around to face Karen. I can’t believe she was jealous of me for being best friends with Dale. Dale of all people. The one who’s thoughts proved to me he was truly gay. He has been currently checking out Jacob who sat behind him.

Ugh, I feel fatter than fat today…I should have thrown up more this morning…or just skipped breakfast..

I rolled my eyes: the depression mind of Bianca. It was enough to make me depressed.

Sometimes I really hated being telepathic.

I mean, you’d think it’d be cool, hearing what everyone thinks of you. There’s no questioning.

And yet…it was a burden too.

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