
Mrs Thomas

I rapped my knuckles on the familiar mahogany door, tugging down the tiny jean skirt that Kellie had convinced me to let her buy and pulling at my favorite pink Juicy. The door opened to Mrs Thomas, her round face shining. “Oh, hullo there, darling.” Mrs Thomas went to the sink and started to rinse her hands. “You go on up. Alleigh’s waiting for you.â€?
I nodded, smiling at Mrs Thomas and turning to head up the stairs. Before I knew Alleigh I never would have associated with humble, homey people like Mrs Thomas, or even Alleigh for that matter. My dad, Kevin Granthom, is a big time lawyer. My mom, Susan, married my dad when she was twenty and had me when she was twenty-two. She left us when I was five. She was my dad’s first, and only true love, I’ve managed to convice myself, although not his only wife. Certaintly not.

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