
The Truth Truly Can Kill

Nothing was making sense the next day. People were in tears…but I didn’t know why?

Then when we were all sitting in math waiting for the announcements…but Bianca was missing. The tears were everywhere in the classroom. I turned to Karen and whispered, “What happened?” She just shrugged. I listened for something from everyone’s mind but I all I got was a wall of utter sadness. Bianca wasn’t present though, and my gut feeling wasn’t saying good things.

The annoucements came on, “Today is a sad sad day. Early this morning Bianca Hartman was found dead in her room. And beside her was this suicide note which she asked for it to be read, but we decided that if you wish to read it, it’ll be in the guidance office…”

It all clicked for me then. It was the sound of a familiar mind dying.

But why did she do it? I mean, I knew she was depressed, but what made her finally snap?

Then all the color left from my face when I realized what truly made her snap. I knew exactly what it was.


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