The Smile He Gave Me
In Love
So Confused
& Shocked
Not Amused
Wish yuh juss suck a cock
cant i juss stay happy 4 more then a moment
I cant relie on nothinq
shes still not smilinq
i want to smile 4eva
yuh did it once
twice isnt enouqh
i want more of this happiness
that yuh have brouqht me
Addicted to the smiles yuh have qave me
the ones yuh have brouqht
has made me thouqht alot
the smiles yuh qave me
qave me hope
qave me love for all i scoped
none quite the same as i hoped
yuhr the only one who made me spoke
i write 4 yuh like it ive known yuh since i was 2
i want yuh beside me until 3000
i need yuh w| me its not an option !
Yuh somethinq amazinq
mah heart qoes blazinq wen i hear the sound of yuhr name
& there isnt nothinq i can say !-*