before the "new world" chapter 1 part 1
[9:30] am thursday. October 16, 2001
It is sad to say my morning hasn’t been going well lately. I slept late and my breakfast was ruined when the bacon wasn’t included. Today is definitely not a good day.
[9:57] am in school
I arrived late in school. 16 minutes to be exact. I got a tardy ticket. I now have detention to attend after school. that’s just a waste of my time.
[11:15] ahh first period finished
Okay that class is so easy. Why do I even bother trying my best to keep up with my grades? I have As on every class; I am an amazing athlete; what more could I want? Okay, I sound a little obnoxious but whatever. I could care less about all of this. Time to write down homework and some comments on that class in my notebook. that class is stupid. if only the teacher died, Mrs. Passolini, then everything would be so much easier. hahaha I thought. I’m such a jerk! now period 2. Math. Bring it on Mrs. Buriley.
[end response]