
What is love exactly?

Death…. Blood… Love…

Poor, poor Maria… She was so young… same age as me… and yet…

Ezekiel, a powerful yet unpopular necromancer had a grandson that was unknown of… named Jacob. Jacob was grieving.. grieving over his lost love… his Maria… Having to reach 20 years of life and experiencing the worst pain of his life, it was unbearable.

If only.. I can revive her… bring her back…

A thought came to his head. Necromancers… elders that could revive the dead, bring them back to life…. having to be known as black magic.. they keep low profiles…

I… I could be a necromancer… I… I can have the power to bring Maria back to life… yes, a necromancer…

His head was filled with ideas of being a necromancer that he did not think of the consequences that will come to him when he has mastered his occupation….

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