
Journal Of A Gay Teen : Day 6

10-28-08 “Journal # 72”

The bell rang, I walked to my locker. The dance was tonight and I was nervous as hell. Ricky came up behind me and groped me.
“Did he just grab my ass?” I thought to myself.
“Hey, you ready for tonight?” He asked expecting an obvious answer.
“Yea…” I forced out.
Like clockwork here came Jacob who too groped me.
“Hey, that’s a bit invading.” Ricky said to him.
“But you just did it.” I questioned in my mind.
“It’s not like he took it the wrong way.” Jacob shot back.
Ricky gave him a dirty look. While they weren’t paying attention to me, I snuck away. I get home and jump on my laptop only to find some hate IMs from a past girlfriend ( pre-coming out ) saying how she thought I asked out another girl. She was still clueless to me being gay. I had emotional feelings for her but no sexual feelings for obvious reasons. I was under too much stress. I pondered just coming out to her and ending it. She signed off. Nothing I can do now, gotta get ready for the dance. Be back later.

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