
Zoning out in Period 5 (GS challenge)

I stared at the ceiling. It was Soc. Studies, 5th period. And I was looking up at the ceiling. I’ve already seen what each and every one of those painted tiles look like, but I continued examining them.

The Romeo and Juliet one was made by an Annie Christy from….whoa all the way from 1999. That’s like forever ago.

Then the Columbus one was slightly deformed, like there was a dent in his head. Dan Weister wasn’t very good at drawing people.

I focused out of the tiles in the ceiling and began counting the number of pencil people managed to get stuck in the drywall. 1….2….4…..6. Wow 6! To get those pencils up you need insane skills…and a rubber band and sharp pencil.

Someone behind me shots a pencil up. It goes straight into Romeo’s eye. Wonder if he was aiming for that. So now that was 7 stuck in the ceiling.

I began focusing on the outside weather…trees starting to change…
“Ezzie! Who lead the Battle of New Orleans?”
“Uhm…uh…Andrew Jackson?”

I hate it when they catch me.

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