
Light: Part 2

Light sped up his pace as he walked out of the building. His hair neatly covered his brown eyes with his head down. Without looking up, Light slammed right into a man rounding the corner of an alley.

“Hey! Would you watch where you’re going!” Light blurted. “Woah, sorry there man. Didn’t mean to hit ya’.” Light looked up at the man in front of him. He was tall and African-American. A thin beard stretched across his face. A dab of drool oozed from his yellow teeth.

But Light noticed none of that. All Light saw, was the bone extending from the tips of the man’s fingers. The man saw Light staring in curiosity and thrust his hand behind his back.

“Ya’ll right?” the man asked. Light stared at the spot where his hand had been before snapping back to reality and looked at the man’s face. “Oh, uh, yeah, I’m fine.” The man shifted to the left and passed Light, lightly brushing his shoulder.

The man’s arm felt… oddly bony. This was something him and his company could be interested in. He followed the man. *

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