
--a lot to the story--

“Why are you tying him up?” I asked the woman.

She continued tying the tight knot around his wrists.

“Are you going to answer the question or not?” I wanted to run away from her so badly, but I just couldn’t leave him there.

I didn’t even know his name, and I was trying to protect him.

“There’s a lot to the story,” she said without facing me.

“Well, I’d like to know the story..”

“Maybe he can tell you once he’s all better,” she said, almost sarcastically. “It won’t be long.”

I sat down against a tree, staying as far away from her as I could. How did she know all of these things? How did she know what was wrong with him?

I watched the man, waiting for him to wake up. If what the woman said was correct, and that he did know the story, I intended to find out as soon as I could.

If the story involved why he was on the bus, maybe it could help me find out why I was on the bus too.

His arm twitched and he opened his eyes slowly. “Why did you tie me up?” he asked the woman.

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