My Day In Purgatory : Part 3
Sometime after my exit from florid….purgatory. I was lying in the dark tunnel, I couldn’t see my hand in front of my face.
“Eh, this isn’t that bad.” I said to myself.
I got up and felt my way along the wall and felt something jut out. It felt cold like metal, I looked up and I could see some sort of light. It blinked “Emergency Exit”
“Yes!” I screamed, out the door again through the revival process and waking up on a table with doctors over me.
“Clear!” they screamed.
“No!” I yelled. Too late…...
“Welcome To Purgatory!”
“Damnit!” I yelled.
“Welcome back Mr.Vear.” said the man.
“Yea, yea…” I said.
“Want to try again?” he asked.
“Not really, no.” I replied.
“Good idea.” he said and began calling names.
I sat next to a boy maybe 10 or 11.
“What are you here for?” I asked.
After his head spun all the way around I decided that maybe he really didn’t want to talk.
“Can we at least put on something better?” I asked.
“We’re on basic cable.” said the man.
“Oh my god…. No!” I screamed.