The sky was dark blue covered with gray clouds. Rain drops falling from the sky hitting her red and white umbrella lightly. The ground wet as her boot stepped around the puddles. She just came outside of the gym from a hard day of work at the gym. She stepped outside and inhaled the cloudy cool air and felt the mist of the rain on her face. She walked a couple of feet to a black metallic swinging bench hanging from a pole. She grabbed a newspaper and dried the bench off, then ripped another part of the newspaper and placed at on the bench. She sat down next to a pink rose bush and just admired it. She looked at the rose as it took in the water.
“Wow, the rain is just beautiful” he said.
“Yeah, it is.How did you know I was here?” she whispered.
“I know you, baby.”Toni said. “Writing poetry?”
“Yeah, just clearing my mind.” she said.
“Well, do you mind company?”Toni said.
She wipe off the bench and he sat there in th cool rain.
“I love you.” Toni said.She looked surprised… “I love you 2!”