
I'll Be Your Angel

Her head bopping to the music, she was driving home from a day at work to have dinner with her family. He was drunk and on a collision coruse with anyone. Minutes later the girl who hasn’t done anything wrong is pinned in her car while he stumbles away. The police, fire crews and paramedics arrive and begin working as hard as possible to free the girl. The police officer questions him, he’s obviously drunk. The girl’s sister runs up to the crushed car.
“Don’t worry, they’re gonna get you out, don’t give up!” she said tears falling down her face.
“I’m not gonna be here much longer.” the girl said.
“No, no, they’re gonna get you out, please don’t give up!” she said almost yelling.
“No look just…. let me go, don’t worry i’ll be your angel.” she said taking off her locket.
“Ok…” she said silently hysterical taking the locket from her sisters hand. The girl then slumpled into her seat. Her eyes closed gently. They freed her and began to try to revive her. To no avail. They guy will live while she won’t.

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