
It's Not So Easy, Is It? ch. 5

We ran all the way down the street until we reached the bridge by the interstate.
“Kay, we’re absolutely completely sure we’re goin’ to Arizona?” I asked Damien, panting hard.
“Yep. Positive.” He was breathing fairly well, for a guy that complained about having asthma all his life.
“We’re gonna hitch it then.”
“Fine by me.”
“Hey, I thought you had asthma?”
“Nah. I gave up on that the day I started smoking. Why?”
“Nothing you’d understand. Stick out your thumb, friend.”
About ten minutes later we were officially on our way across the country. I’ll tell you now, this woman liked to chew gum and talk.
“So, where you boys headed?” Her name was Molly.
“Arizona,” I answered.
“Whew! That’s a long ways away ain’t it? You’re folks know you’re leavin’?”
Damien and I exchanged a glance, and I said,” No. We don’t have any.”
“They die or somethin’?”
“Nah. They’re in Phoenix.”
After that she shut up real quick. Now, I don’t normally talk like, this, but Molly had a nice rack. I know Damien is probably thinkin the same.

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