
==I am==

“Where do you think they took her?” I asked, out of breath.

“I don’t.. know. Somewhere down the road..”

“Then let’s follow the road.”

“We don’t know who these people are, much less what they’re capable of doing.

“So? We’re capable of things too, you know…”

“Yes. But it’s not a good idea.” I could hear the doubt in her voice.

“Look, we know they were going to do something to her, the same thing that happened to us, and.. if they wanted information, they would get it, from her. I say we go for it, find her, and kill whoever did this.”

I still had that feeling that I knew the man who’d taken her, an odd sensation that killing him wouldn’t be a good idea. I completely ignored it.

Don’t kill him. the voice ordered firmly.

“I am.”

“What?” the woman asked, confused.

“Nothing. Let’s go find her.”

Far off in the distance, I heard an engine starting. A motorcycle was heading our way. Probably the same motorcycle that’d taken Audrey.

We went in the woods, running.

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