before the "new world" chapter 2 part 3B
After maiming numberous criminals, Lee decided it was the wrong thing to do. “NO! I should stop. I’ll tell the police…”
“Hehe you had enough pain in your head kid?” Crypt was amused by how easily Lee gave up on the power of the notebook.
“What the hell man? You gave up already?! I should’ve never told you about the notebook. Hold on… Die Craig, you only have… OOPS . I was a tad bit late. hehe. oh well. You’re dead now. Anyway Lee, if you wanna join me again. I’d be willing to let you come back. Later.” Ruben just murdered Craig, did not miss a moment. hehe, I should tempt him to use the notebook again…
Weeks after Lee sealed the book away Ruben on the other hand abused the notebook with random killing sprees all over the country. The police never knew what hit them.
Until one morning in France…
“J, we are going to need your assistance.”
“Oh I wonder how insane it’ll get this time.”
[end response]