
Too Hurt to Have Fun

When I woke up, I was back safe in my stall. It hurt to move, but I managed to lift my head and look out my door. I heard a gasp and a yell of, “Doc! Banshee’s awake!” The dreaded shot-giver hurried over to my stall, peered in and nodded. “I’ll give her more sedations… She’ll need plenty of time to recover. I ought to take her to the clinic.” The woman who had alerted the shot-giver nodded. “You should, in fact, take her. In her state, I have no use for her.”
The vet looked surprised. “A-are you sure? Banshee is a very valuable jumper. Yeah, she’s young but with training and time she can-” He was cut off by the woman, whom was my owner. “Just take it!” I myself was shocked by this harsh statement, but the vet nodded. He came into my stall, took a good look at me and sighed. “Tsk, tsk… If only your reins hadn’t gotten caught in the tires and run you over… Along with the other injuries you sustained, I’m surprised you’re alive. I’ll go round up some other vets to help move you.” And with that he left..

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