I grew more frustrated. It seemed the more i tried to rake, the more leaves fell off the trees. Surely the trees were naked by now! I looked up hopefully, shielding my eyes from the autumn sun. Instead of bare branches, there was a kaliedascope of colors. There were so many of them, and only one of me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, willing myself not to cry as longing for my fiancee flooded me. He was overseas risking his life to protect the country. I began raking again, with renewed strength to get my mind off of things.
2 hours later the leaves were in a large but tidy pile. With a small smile i turned and began to walk away when suddenly all the leaves i had tediously organized suddenly flew up and around me in a flurry of activity. I turned angrily to see what had happened. There, in the middle, leaves with jeweled colors of ruby and gold leaves surrounding him, was John, my love, my fiancee. And before the leaves could settle I was in his arms, complete. Suddenly everything seemed brighter.