
I'll Get to Him Somehow

“Oh, hi, Mrs. Rissel.” I shoved the phone to my ear. “Yes, this is Tori. Oh, thanks.” I waited a few seconds.

“Um, hello?”

“Hey, Andrew.”

“Why do you insist on calling me that? Why not just Andy like everyone else? Or, like you’re annoying boyfriend and his so called friends like to call me, Rissel. Hm?”

I sighed. He was going to make this difficult. I loved him, but he was so stubborn.

“C’mon, Andrew. Stop being such a pain. I just wanted to ask a favor.”

“Wow, the all-mighty Victoria Rose Ankelci has decided to call me: the low to the ground peasant. Why Tor? Because you’re fool of a friend, Josh, didn’t get through to me? You knew he wouldn’t anyways.”

“Okay, Andrew, if you’re going to be like this, I might as well try you later. I mean, I can’t talk to you when you get in this funk.”



“Ah, Victoria Rose. You don’t really know me. If you did, you wouldn’t be such a-”

“Andrew Rissel! Don’t you dare.”

“Yeah, whatever Tori.”


You know what, fine. I’ll get to Andrew somehow.

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