
Nothing To Lose On a Prohibited Love

I swirled along to the music of the world, my body moving itself back and forth, swirling around the cool waters.

I shook my head, letting my hair float about me in great clouds. It felt good to feel so alive. It was unusual nowadays.

Then strong arms wrapped around me, and I giggled, bubbles escaping my lips. I turned around, still in his grasp, looking deep into his eyes. He smiled warmly, and kissed my nose. I laughed jovially. I loved him so.

He laughed, too, but stopped suddenly, water escaping into his nose and mouth. He sputtered and threw himself away from me, up towards the sunlight surface. I swam quickly after him.

His head broke the surface wildly, stirring the once calm waters. He gasped for air, and this time I put my arms around him.

He coughed up some cold water, smiling at me now. I smiled back. What did I have to lose?


I answered the question for myself.

Absolutely nothing.

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