A Nite 2 B Never Forgotten
My eyes opened
to hear my favorite song skippin
glance at the clock to read 3:42
turn over to see two movin bodies
my eyes start 2 focused in
sees a man on the bed
and a woman on top
i rub my eyes
to hear sounds of her moaning
i groan an uncomfortable oo
out of my mouth
to smell an black cherry aroma
I stretch my body
to hear the motion of the bed moving
back and forth
back and forth
my brain starts to click
of what is goin on in my roommate’s bed.
my eyes grow to see lil penetration.
my facial expression grows wide
because I’m in shock.
i stop
and look around
to see the signs
the wine glasses of alcohol
the condom wrappers
lit scented candles
and I can’t believe that
their having sex with me in the room
I tried my best to go back to sleep
but I kept being woken up from
her demands of the man
“deeper bay-bee”
she kept saying
“deeper bay-bee”
Until they finally exhausted
themselves and
went to sleep
at 5:13.
It was horrible!
A nite to be never forgotten.