
Best Breakup Ever

You are the spirit in every drink;
The heart in every kiss
The best of all I could think;
All my ecstasy and bliss.

You addict me;
Addiction divine
My fallacy;
Sweet valentine.

The sweet knife;
My last curtain call
Cut my wrists;
Let the knife fall!

Momentary ecstasy
From bleeding out my life
My spirit proceeding; serotonin exceeding
Final Destination; to end my strife!

Aha- my world tumbles
At the end of the day,
My heart simply fumbles
Ambulance, take me away!

Your damned stare at me!
You did this!
Oh how you’ve made me feel
After giving me such eternal bliss.

I beg and plead with all around
Do Not Resuscitate
This last wish, the only one found
To have a happy fate.

And now;
as I sit on Nothing
as I wade through…
I can say this…

You were the spirit in every drink;
The heart in deaden kiss
The best of all I ever did think;
You were all my ecstasy and bliss…

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