

I finally let go of the chair. I felt utterly alone; even with this man holding my wrist, I was clueless as to what was going on. Without gravity, without my feet on the ground, the only sense of direction I had would be entirely dependant on my senses.

Back home, I knew of everything because I’d grown up in that environment. I didn’t have to see- I just knew.

Out here, I didn’t know anything.

Soon, I was in a different room. “We have a gravity switch, but it takes a while to activate. Everything should be back to normal in a couple of hours.â€?

I was relieved. If I’d had to spend a whole week in this hell, I would’ve ended up going insane.

“Your clock is digital; it announces the food times and any other time if you ask it. You don’t have a roommate, and your bed is over here.â€? He led the way over, and I noticed how silent it was in here.

The lack of noise was almost spooky; not reassuring in the least bit.

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