

The group started to get up,
walking to their cars that awaited them in the parking lot.
One by one, they got up from their spot on the sand
allowing their eyes to leave the fire,
letting it burn out by itself.

Two people were left, in their winter coats and denim jeans,
sitting, watching the fire die out…
Only three cars were left in the lot.
A girl yelled, catching their attention.
They looked at each other and got up, wiping the sand from their legs.
The walked off the beach together, arms linked, as the last car pulled away.

The boy walked the girl to her car.
Before she stepped inside, she looked into his dark blue eyes, and said goodbye.

He stepped away as the car backed up.
He jumped in his own car and turned the engine on.

As he turned away from the beach, he saw the last flame of the fire, what used to be so huge he was afraid they wouldn’t be able to put it out, go away forever.

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