The bell rang and our snooty teacher walked in announcing himself. I spent most of the long class either glancing at the clock or glancing at Anna taking notes intently. I noted her eyes, her smile. I’ve never seen one like it. Finally the bell to rang.
“So, my next class is,” I looked at my schedule “Algebra with Mrs. Coudrote.”
“Ah, the Cood” She said with a sly tone. I figured it was a nickname for the teacher. “Down this hall. Follow me.”
I followed. Her walk was hypnotizing. I had to catch myself from standing and staring. I caught up to her side. As we turned the corner, I tried to think of something to say to continue a conversation.
“You do know your way around.” I said, regretting words the second they left my mouth.
She laughed. “Yah, like I have been here awhile.”
“I’ll bet,” I said.
Anna began explaining the history of the school and soon I got lost within a few sentences but I didn’t care. I loved listen to her talk. Her voice was soft and quick. I knew I was stuck on her already.