Is This For Real?
The penguin ran to the shore and dove into the water.
Grabbing me by the fin, he swam me to the shore and plopped me down onto the ground.
I couldn’t breathe.
He listened to my chest and I blacked out.
I awoke to his beak touching mine.
I felt woozy and blacked out – again.
I woke for the second time in an igloo, but not mine.
Then I saw him in the kitchen.
I spoke out.
He spun around and exhaled in relief.
“Oh, you’re alive!”
“Yeah I am, but who are you?”
“I can’t tell you.”
I got up. “I just want to know your name.”
“I won’t tell you.”
I lunged at him and grabbed his throat.
He punched me, then his whole body became dead weight.
I let go, and he fell to the ground.
I killed the penguin of my dreams.
I went to the wall and bawled my eyes out.