
A Compilation of Reasons to Live: Part 1

The sun-rise every morning. Green grass. A warm day with not too much humidity and just enough wind. Beaches. The full moon, the half moon, the moon in wax, the moon in wane…. the moon, basically. SMILE . That warm fuzzy feeling that you get when you are loved. YOU ARE LOVED . Friendships that annoy the hell out of you but you know will work out. Learning from friendships that really…. aren’t working out. Cozy, stylish colorful shoes. Having a bedroom all to yourself. Colors. HAVING A CHOICE . Making somebody else happy. Good food, and plenty of it! TAKE YOUR TIME . Wrapped in a warm, fluffy quilt. A backpack with your initials embroidered on it. Communication. Sharpies and Hi-liters. Doing what you love. HUGS . Let the emotion emanate from within you. OPEN YOUR HEART .

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