
A New World

At the top of the hill, I veered south. I really didn’t want to return home and face Adelle.

I had never been to this part before, and so I had no clue what awaited me. I would soon find out.

Fields. Miles and miles of them, which seemed to stretch on for much longer than that. My throat tightened at the scene. This was like my dream.

Shivering, and not from the cold, I walked my bike through the tall grasses, not quite sure where I was headed. To be honest, I didn’t really care. And that scared me. I was programmed to be scared. It was in my nature. What was this, some kind of outburst of mechanical difficulties?


The wind blew smoothly over my face as I dropped my bike to the ground and lifted my face to the pure white clouds above me.

This is what living was. Not any of that Gianna nonsense. This is what everyone was meant for. Just to live.

I smiled. I had entered another world. One where there wasn’t any choosing, wasn’t any Gianna’s, and there most definitely wasn’t any fame.

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