Once the song ended, no more started up. “Can you play that again?â? I asked.
“I lost the station,â? a deep voice said.
I scratched the pillowcase, making a soft sound to help distract myself. It was a little annoying, but soon, I was asleep again.
Theo shook my shoulder. “Time to get up. Dinner.â? He laughed. “You snore pretty loud, you know.â?
“Shut up!â? I rolled back over, trying to get back to my dream. “Not hungry.â?
“Oh. Well, I am. So… you can stay here I guess.â? I heard him shuffle out of the room, followed by his roommate.
Pretty soon after they’d gone, someone else entered. “How was your nap?â?
Him again.
“Please leave me alone.â?
“Just here to take some tests. â?Doctor Karon pulled something out of his pocket and turned it on with a click. “Sit up, face me.â?
He pointed the little flashlight, at least, that’s what I thought it was, into both of my eyes, then checked my ears. He jotted down something on his paper, and pulled another instrument out of his pocket.