

Once the song ended, no more started up. “Can you play that again?â€? I asked.

“I lost the station,â€? a deep voice said.


I scratched the pillowcase, making a soft sound to help distract myself. It was a little annoying, but soon, I was asleep again.

Theo shook my shoulder. “Time to get up. Dinner.â€? He laughed. “You snore pretty loud, you know.â€?

“Shut up!â€? I rolled back over, trying to get back to my dream. “Not hungry.â€?

“Oh. Well, I am. So… you can stay here I guess.â€? I heard him shuffle out of the room, followed by his roommate.

Pretty soon after they’d gone, someone else entered. “How was your nap?â€?

Him again.

“Please leave me alone.â€?

“Just here to take some tests. â€?Doctor Karon pulled something out of his pocket and turned it on with a click. “Sit up, face me.â€?

He pointed the little flashlight, at least, that’s what I thought it was, into both of my eyes, then checked my ears. He jotted down something on his paper, and pulled another instrument out of his pocket.

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