A Body On The Cliff Of Hell - Part 2
My body slammed against the rock Every bone in my body instantaneously thrived with pain. As soon has I hit the rock, I was knocked out. I wished I would have died. I wish I missed that rock, and I continued to fall. I woke up from the slumber. I checked my arms for any cuts, and found a scrape on my left elbow. However, my elbow itself was sensitive to the touch, I decided not to worry. I ran my arms down my leg and felt the strangest thing on my left leg. I rolled up my jeans and store in horror.
There was a gash the size of a cell phone on my leg. I frantically wrapped it up, in order to cut circulation. That’s when I felt it. It was the biggest wave of pain I’ve ever felt in my life. It was like I hit the rock all over again. I screamed in pain. Shaking from the pain, I searched my book bag for my cell phone. I opened it up, and dialed 911….