
Suicide? I Call It Self-Sacrifice

I glanced at the clock. 11:30. Only a half an hour longer before Cody decides whether or not to blow the building up with his multiple bombs. The creepy part is, Cody had figured everything to a “T”. He welded all the bombs to the metal holding up the ceilings, he somehow managed to knock out the cell towers nearby, meaning no one could use their phones.

The people of my class continued arguing, “You know, if nobody else sends anyone down, then there would be no point in us doing so.”
“But what if every other room sends people down by ours? Then we’ll be the ones to blame when the school blows up.”
“No one will be able to blame us because we’d all be dead.”

To think, if no one had ever made fun of Cody or looked at him funny, we’d still be falling asleep in Social Studies. I heard Nicky thought.

I couldn’t take this anymore! So I stood up, making everyone silent. They were still silent as they watched me walk out of the room, towards the dreaded ISS room.

You go Bree! Save us!


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