

I crawled through the opening, feeling very much like an arachnid.

I clung to the sides of the tunnel, scared that it would give away underneath me like it had last time.

I squeezed, wriggled and writhed through the passages until I came to the room I was seeking.

The grille below me gave me a perfect view of the room.

Lin’s Master was still shuffling about, monologuing about his greatness whilst Cricket’s reality was ebbing away.

His heavy footsteps shook the stones below him, and they were so loud he didn’t hear me unscrew the grille. Cricket, however, caught sight of me – his eyes were glazed over, and it disturbed me to see him like this.

Cricket blinked in my direction before shifting slightly in his iron bonds.

I aimed the wooden grille carefully; I wasn’t high up in the ceiling in this room, and I was sure I wouldn’t hurt Lin’s Master…not much, at least.

I released the grille when he was precisely beneath me, promptly knocking Mr. Potbelly out.

I landed lightly on the floor.


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