Rebellion: The New Confederacy
Its times like these that you wonder how the world holds together. We are rebelling. We call ourselves the New Confederacy. Our rebel flag waves at every corner. The United States can’t do shit about it. (Until we attack, that is) In our basements, we plan. We plan to overthrow our states governments, and declare independence from this country.
The states of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia, North and South Carolina, Florida, and Georgia will be ours. We will be known as the New Confederacy. The US army is strong, but ours is better. We already have secret armies of 10,000 plus, and it grows everyday. We have farms, and guns. We can take them on. Our plans our simple. We kill. We kill every person who gets in our way. They will call us criminals, we aren’t criminals.
We are rebels.